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Company Law in the Corporate Context

A brief introduction to the legal basis

Company law forms the legal backbone of our business world and regulates all essential facets of corporate law, from the formation and management of companies to the liquidation (dissolution) of companies.

I. Foundation

Every company founder inevitably has to deal with central questions of company law at a very early stage. As a rule, the first point of contact with company law is the question of the legal form of the company.

German and European company law offers numerous structuring options to choose from. The possible legal forms can be roughly divided into partnerships and corporations.

Partnerships include the following, among others:

– Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Recht (GbR)
– Offene Handelsgesellschaft (OHG)
– Kommanditgesellschaft (KG)
– Partnerschaftsgesellschaft (PartG)

Corporations include the following, among others:

– Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
– Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
– Unternehmergesellschaft (UG)

Daneben existieren „Mischformen“ aus Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften, die etwa die Steuervorteile der Personengesellschaft und die Haftungsbeschränkung der Kapitalgesellschaft in sich vereinen. Die wohl bekannteste „Mischform“ ist die GmbH & Co. KG. An dieser Stelle sei angemerkt, dass es sich bei der GmbH & Co. KG streng genommen um keine wirkliche „Mischform“ handelt. Im Außenverhältnis handelt es sich hierbei formal um eine Kommanditgesellschaft.

Innerhalb der Europäischen Union gibt es noch die Möglichkeit, europäische Gesellschaftsformen zu gründen und in die jeweiligen nationalen Handelsregister eintragen zu lassen. Zu den bekanntesten Rechtsformen zählt wohl die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft (Societas Europaea, SE).

Each of these legal forms has advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing the "right" legal form, the client's medium and long-term objectives must be carefully worked out. Choosing the "wrong" legal form can result in considerable tax disadvantages, fines under capital market law or even, in the worst case, financial ruin (if the shareholder is personally liable).

II. Corporate Management

In addition to the choice of legal form, questions of company management play a crucial role for every company founder. Inaccuracies in regulating the modalities of company management can "take revenge", especially in times of crisis.

Partners are only human. Everyone reacts differently under pressure. Some people lose their nerve and just want to get out of the company. Others feel "ignored" and fall into a kind of "blockade attitude", which can lead to every decision being opposed. In this context, it is advisable to draw up shareholder agreements, ideally at the time the company is founded. Such agreements regulate the relationships between the shareholders and, unlike the shareholders' agreement or articles of association, do not have to be filed in the commercial register.

III. Sale of the company / liquidation / restructuring

An entrepreneur is characterised by entrepreneurial risk and entrepreneurial initiative. Entrepreneurial risk often manifests itself in the fact that the company fails or does not develop as hoped.

Neben der Liquidation (Auflösung) als klassisches Mittel der „Beseitigung“ einer Unternehmung, besteht u. a. die Möglichkeit des Verkaufes (Share- oder Asset-Deal), der Löschung durch das Registergericht (vgl. § 394 Familienverfahrensgesetz, FamFG) oder der Umwandlung (Verschmelzung). In den letzten Jahren hat vor allem das Umwandlungsrecht in der gesellschaftsrechtlichen Praxis an Bedeutung gewonnen. Vor allem Konzerne bevorzugen es, Tochtergesellschaften mit unwirtschaftlichen Sparten zu „schlucken“ statt solche medienwirksam zu veräußern oder zu liquidieren.
